Sell Without Being Sales-y

The best sales process makes people feel like they are not being "sold".

Instead, they get people to believe in a bigger opportunity, and see the company/person telling them about that opportunity as the only logical option to solve the problem they are explaining.

For example, Russell Brunson did not try to sell people on himself or on ClickFunnels. He first wanted people to believe in the concept of "sales funnels", and to believe that it's difficult/expensive to build sales funnels from scratch.

If someone didn't believe these 2 things, it's almost impossible for them to be sold on ClickFunnels, no matter how much they like Russell.

But if someone believes in the concept of sales funnels, and they believe that it is difficult/expensive to build sales funnels from scratch, then they will automatically be sold on ClickFunnels.

If you can sell someone on the beliefs they need to have, they will automatically be sold on your product.

In order to create a sales process that does not feel "sales-y" you first need to identify the beliefs your prospects must have before they can be sold on you & your product.

Template: If people believes [belief1] and [belief2], then they will buy from me, because my product can provide [solution to beliefs].

This is a much smoother sales process than trying to explain how amazing you and your product are, because now we don't need to sell ourselves at all (less sales-y).

All we need to explain are the facts about WHY our product is a solution to their beliefs.

ClickFunnels Example:
Belief 1: Sales funnels will help me grow my business
Belief 2: Building funnels from scratch is difficult & expensive
Solution: Buy ClickFunnels to grow my business faster & easier

Keto Weight Loss Program Example:
Belief 1: Cutting out carbs will help me lose weight faster
Belief 2: Cutting out carbs is difficult to do for most people long-term
Solution: Buy this Keto cookbook that gives keto alternatives to my favorite foods

If I was selling a keto weight loss program, I don't need to worry if I don't have a ton of testimonials or am new in the industry.

All I would need to do is find proof/statistics/scientific studies of how cutting out carbs is proven to help people lose weight, and also why it's so difficult for most people to do consistently over the long-term.

If I can make a strong "argument" for those 2 beliefs, people will automatically be sold on me & my product, without me having to be pushy or sales-y.

With people's trust in companies & influencers decreasing every year, it's more important than ever to have a strong "argument" for the opportunity you're selling, not necessarily yourself or your business.

It's easier, faster, and provides a more authentic sales process overall.

Lucas Lee-Tyson

Lessons learned from $62m+ in digital product sales.

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