Improving Biz-Opp & Business Coaching Offers With Software

If you sell business coaching / consulting / courses you should look into building simple AI tools to increase your offer's value.

For maybe $3k-10k on Upwork you can get a custom software built using ChatGPT's API that will make you look like a genius to your clients without much effort.

EASIEST way by far to increase the perceived value of your offer, and to stand out in a competitive market.

For example if you were coaching people on investing in AirBNB and a lot of clients have a hard time researching properties/neighborhoods, hire someone to build an AI tool that connects ChatGPT with Zillow's API to find properties with the criteria that you feed into it.

These are not complex/expensive projects and they can add an extra 10-30% boost to your conversion rates by offering something none of your competitors can.

Lucas Lee-Tyson

Lessons learned from $62m+ in digital product sales.

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